IMPORTANT NOTICE : Participants in the competition are allowed to submit all graphic attachments - 2D and 3D, as files in .pdf format, dimensions 70x100 cm (B1) horizontally oriented (landscape), in a resolution of 150 PPI, instead of as files in .pdf format, dimensions 42x29.7cm (A3), horizontally oriented (landscape) in a resolution of 150 PPI, as stated in the Announcement and Programme of the competition.
Question 39: Dear Sirs, is the format for electronic exhibition defined? We know that it is 2000 px horizontally oriented and 150 PPI but we don’t know what is the vertical value.
Do we know the dimensions of the attachment for the electronic exhibition?
Reply: Electronic exhibition implies the presentation of contents withing the web presentation and further on websites which will be used to publish designs on its web presentations. The height is not defined so that you have the freedom to frame when rendering, if necessary. If you follow the instructions on horizontal orientation, then the aspect can be arbitrary. The defined width is sufficient for high quality presentation of work exclusively on web pages.
Question 38: Dear All,
Taking into account the epidemiological situation that has been going on throughout January, is there a possibility of extending the competition deadline, given that the conditions for any work process are therefore very difficult? Sincerely
Reply: The competition is announced in accordance with the Rulebook on the manner and procedure for announcing and conducting the urban-architectural competition ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 31/2015) - according to the given Rulebook - Article 45 - competition deadlines - Decision on extension can be made only in the first third of the competition deadline.
Question 37: Dear Sirs, is it necessary to enclose a license for the preparation of technical documentation in the field of architecture of one of the authors, in accordance with Article 12.1 of the Competition Announcement, since it is not stated in the mandatory documentation for the author's envelope?
Reply: It is not necessary to enclose the license in the mandatory documentation in the author's envelope, that is the condition, as you stated, in the participation in the competition, if you want you can enclose it.
Question 35: Terminology: Please confirm that classrooms for instrumental teaching also stand for classroom for individual teaching, and that classrooms for theory classes also stand for classrooms for group classes. Related to remarks at the end of program item A – 7 TEACHER’S OFFICES FOR RESEARCH
Reply: In most cases the classrooms for instrumental teaching are also classrooms for individual classes. It does not apply only in case of the Chamber Music Department (since their classes are not individual). It also doesn’t apply to the Composition Department – their classes are not instrumental, but they are individual.
Offices for departments: Composition, Piano, Solo Singing, Conducting, Strings, Wind instruments, Poly-instrumental, chamber, jazz, (9 in total) should be positioned next to the classrooms for instrumental/individual teaching for these departments. Office of the Dance Department should be positions next to the DANCING HALL AND SUPPORTING FACILITIES.
The offices for teachers who teach theory classes (28 in total) should be located so that they are relatively close to the block with classrooms for theory classes (it is group class – part A6).
Question 34: Dear Sirs, are any deviations (reduction) from the recommended clear height B.1 of the library storage space, as well as the room under codes B.3, B.4, B.5 (reading room, computer room and music listening room) allowed?
Reply: Minor deviations from recommended height for the indicated rooms are allowed.
Question 33: Dear Sirs, what is the maximum possible distance from the evacuation core / corridor?
Reply: The building should be designed in accordance with the Rulebook on technical norms for fire protection of residential and business facilities and public buildings ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 22/2019)
Question 32:
Is a minor deviation from given dimensions of dancing halls (A.4.1 and A.4.2) allowed?
Minor deviations from the dimensions of the space defined by the project program are possible, provided that these changes do not adversely affect the processes that take place in these spaces.
Question 31:
Dear Sirs, in the item “Acoustic requirements” it is indicated that it is necessary to withdraw the acoustically demanding spaces (concert halls) from the facade towards the interior of the building. Does the hall area, separated from the facade by the corridor or storage area, account for the adequate example of withdrawal from the facade?
To surround the hall with acoustically neutral spaces such as storage spaces and corridors represents a good solution.
16 December
30. Question: Dear Sir or Madam, is the overlapping of the students’ cloakroom and the cloakroom intended for visitors allowed, considering the fact that the period for classes and the period for concerts do not coincide.
Reply: Yes, overlapping is allowed. The participants are expected to analyze the usage of the premises in terms of time, with a view to the rationalization of the surface areas not directly intended for teaching.
9 December 2021
29. Question:: Dear Sir or Madam, the download folder: I GRAPHIC DIGITAL SURVEY MAP/03 ORTHOPHOTO does not contain attachments with the positions of the set assembly directions. Where can we see the set directions?
Reply: Dear Sir or Madam, the competition documentation - I GRAPHIC DIGITAL SURVEY MAP/folder 02 SURVEY MAPS FOR ATTACHMENTS/survey map for 250 - contains the set directions for 3D.
3 December 2021
28. Question: G1 - The stage is 16m wide and 18m long, which is almost the same surface as that of the auditorium, including the aisles. The stage surface area usually amounts to 1.5m2 per performer. Is 280m2 the correct data? G2 - The stage is 16m wide and the auditorium with 200 seats is going to have just 8-9 rows of seats - consequently, a balcony would be superfluous, wouldn’t it?
Reply: The programme sets the required dimensions of the stage. Hall G1 (the Concert Hall) ought to provide more room for spectators, just as it has been described on page 93 in the Competition Announcement and Programme.
1 December
Question 27: Part 3 - URBAN PLANNING REQUIREMENTS - Terms and Possibilities of Phase Execution - reads the following: It is allowed to execute the structure in phases. All the phase execution stages shall be defined in the project documentation. Does that refer to the competition proposition phase or to the subsequent elaboration of the documentation on the basis of the adopted preliminary design?
Reply: The project assignment of the architectural competition for the new building of the Faculty of Music does not envisage phase execution. The urban planning terms provide such a possibility in case phase execution becomes necessary in the further process of the elaboration of the preliminary design - for some space or programme-related, technical or financial reasons.
30 November
18 Question:
18.1 Is there any graphic documentation for the adopted designs of subunits 1.5 and 1.6 which the participants might incorporate into their competition designs?
If the question refers to subunits 1.5 and 1.6 of the Linear Park, the answer is that the prerequisites for the development of the Linear Park’s subunits have been provided in the textual section of the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Linear Park - Belgrade, City Municipalities of Stari grad and Palilula (Official Journal of the City of Belgrade no. 77/2021.
18 February Is it obligatory to create a "walk through" in 3D animation in the building’s interior or will the exterior be enough?
The contents of the animation have not been set as a task - the participants in the competition can define it as they please, in a way that shows the spatial concept in the best possible manner.
18.3 How detailed the description of the installation design should be in this stage of design?
The design is shown at the level of a preliminary architectural design and thus no detailed description of the installations is necessary.
One may provide conceptual guidelines for the installations, but a detailed description is not necessary - it will be required in the following phases of design elaboration, in accordance with the terms to be provided in the phase when the location conditions are obtained.
19 Question: Dear Sir or Madam, it has been mentioned twice in the text that it would be good if at least one wall of the smallest exercise rooms should not be parallel with the others. Can you estimate what the minimum, i.e. optimal slanting angle of the wall should be?
There is no optimal slanting angle - the goal is to eliminate, to some extent, the parallelism that might cause some negative acoustic effects. Therefore it is desirable that all the walls should not be parallel to each other. As this renders the space organization in the building more complex, the slanting angles should be introduced to the extent that is not going to disturb the spatial relation between the rooms. The slanting elements may be provided through the elaboration of the preliminary design as well, namely in work on a spatial acoustics design.
Question 20:
Dear Sir or Madam, it has been emphasized in the text that noisy rooms, such as exercise rooms, should have anterooms of their own, with two doors, or halls in common. After designing several versions of such anterooms, we realized that we were losing a large amount of square footage and depth of the rooms, at the same time increasing the investment by doubling the doors in a large number of premises. Is it possible to reach the required level of acoustic isolation without an anteroom and with strongly defined thicknesses of the walls towards the common hall (50, 60cm) or with double walls containing an acoustic buffer space between each other?
The sound isolation to be achieved with a wall containing a door becomes dominantly determined with the isolation properties of the door and not of the wall. The door is a “weak spot” in such a structure, as even the best door from the standard product range has a less valuable isolation power than a wall does. Therefore strengthening the walls would not produce any big effect as it is the door that is going to determine the insulation state.
In such a situation, the reaching of a strong enough sound insulation between the exercise room and the common hall is possible only if the door is doubled with some space within. The only possible alternative to a double door is the spatial grouping of the exercise rooms of a similar purpose, with an access from a common hall, all the exercise rooms together being separated from the rest of the building with an entrance door to the hall, which can also mean an additional increase of square footage, depending on the spatial concept.
Question 21:
Should the capacities of restrooms and cloakrooms for the audience be dimensioned to match the maximum number of visitors theoretically occupying all the audience rooms (the concert hall, the opera and ballet hall, the chamber music hall and the jazz hall - i.e. around 1,200 people) or just one section - for instance, to match the capacity of the largest of the halls?
The priority is to make the teaching premises and the performance halls reach the highest standard, while all the other accompanying and ancillary rooms should be designed in a rational manner, taking into account the construction and maintenance costs, so it is enough to design the restrooms and the cloakrooms to match the capacity of the largest hall. If the spatial concept allows so, the accompanying rooms can be intended for students as well - not only for the audience - considering the possibility of different time regimes of use.
Question 22: Should the library’s depot be positioned next to all the other library premises, which are intended for users, or can it be situated on another floor, or maybe at an underground level?
The library and depot premises should be designed rationally, in relation to the horizontal or vertical connection, considering the need for spatial flexibility and the possible alterations of spatial interrelations (for instance, the open space of the library can be enlarged and the depot area can be reduced or some other space using models could be introduced - for example, an open depot available to users as necessary, etc.).
Question 23: Can the audience have access to the small dance halls (rooms А4.2.1-2), as it is the case with room А4.1.?
Reply: In the case of these two halls, there is no need for providing access to the audience. In the case of room А4.1, the audience has limited and controlled access to that room.
Question 24: Dear Sir or Madam, could the instrumental exercise rooms be grouped all in a single place and separately from the departments with classrooms, or is it necessary to break them into small groups in order that each department have an exercise room of its own? This primarily refers to the manner of using space - is it important for students to be near the classrooms when they have exercises or is it better for them to be in a more distant and separate room in order that they be able to have exercises for a long period without being disturbed?
Reply: It is not necessary for the exercise rooms to be grouped next to the classrooms. The exercise rooms can be grouped together or they can be divided into several groups - depending on what is better for the design of the whole building. In exercise rooms, students tend to spend a long time (2-3 hours in continuity).
Question 25: Dear Sir or Madam, the following has been mentioned: It would be good if all the classrooms were in a single block, except for the percussions cabinet, which should be positioned separately - mainly due to the noise, but its location should also enable a relatively easy transfer of instruments to the concert halls (as necessary). Which of the aforesaid classrooms belong to the percussions cabinet?
Reply: Classroom A1.5.1 - Polyinstrumental Department - it is necessary to design one classroom, of 150m2 in surface - a percussions classroom which can be divided into three classrooms of 50m2 each ( 3h50m2).
26 Question: G1. The programme reads: As for the number of seats, it can be flexible, i.e. there need not be too many seats (but not less than 400). Does it mean that there should be 600 seats, 400 of which are fixed seats and 200 variable seats to suit the different seating arrangements?
Reply: The idea of flexibility refers to the project assignment, depending on the concept of the available space and, on the basis of a programme analysis, the participants may plan a hall with 400 to 600 seats for the audience. The planned halls have double purpose - for teaching and for public performances, so it is upon the participants to, in accordance with the spatial concept, assess the rationality of the design bearing in mind the required surface areas of the accompanying audience rooms, and, on the other hand, to envisage the possibility of the Faculty of Music’s Concert Hall’s becoming a significant venue for cultural events and for the promotion of the Faculty of Music’s activities. The flexibility which you mention in your question when it comes to the relation between the fixed and the variable configurations of the auditorium is also possible, provided that the changes can be applied easily bearing in mind the limited number of supporting workers of the Faculty of Music and the prices of the complex technological systems.
29 November 2021
17 Question:: (page 81/107 in PDF)
a cabinet for each performance department, to be grouped from the classroom
number of cabinets: 10
surface area 12m2, height 3.0m
Obligatory natural ventilation and light
*Department cabinets: composition, piano, solo singing, conducting, strings, wind instruments, polyinstrumental department, chamber music, jazz, dance (10 in total) should be positioned along the respective individual teaching classrooms for each department (and for the dance department - by the group teaching classroom).
Do you mean these classrooms:
1. composition-A. department
2. piano-A. piano department
3. solo singing-A. solo singing department
4. conducting-A.1.4.4- conducting department
5. strings-A. strings department
6. wind instruments -A. wind instrument department
7. polyinstrumental-A. polyinstrumental department
8. chamber music-A. music department
9. jazz-A jazz department
10. dance - which classroom is meant by "group teaching classroom"?
Starting from page 62 of Chapter 2a of the competition programme, the detailed description of the purposes of certain premises per department have been provided. The competition programme provides guidelines for individual teaching classrooms to be grouped per department (for instance, the piano teaching classrooms group, the strings teaching classroom group, etc.) The appropriate cabinets for each department should be planned to match each classroom group.
26 November
16 Question:: Point G.2 Opera/Ballet Hall
Have the requirements and the position of the fly tower, dimensions and technical equipment been defined?
Reply: The programme’s text applying to the stage to be designed in an opera/ballet halls includes the following sentence: “it should be large enough to enable both teaching and performances (with limited stage design)”. This shows that the hall has been primarily defined as school premises. As such, it does not entail the use of some complex stage design which would require stage mechanics of any kind, including a fly tower.
24 November
15 Question:: Dear Sir or Madam, as regards the space acoustics, could you tell us by which standards we should be guided and is it necessary to go into details in this phase, i.e. provide descriptions of the walls, ceilings, etc.?
Reply: In the preliminary design, it is not necessary to elaborate on the internal surfaces of the spaces which are important in terms of acoustics, such as concert halls. The acoustic design of those premises shall be elaborated in the following stages of design. In their competition assignment, the authors may include such details if they believe that thus they are going to present their ideas better - but this is not obligatory. In order that the acoustic design process should be successful, during the following phases of design it is important that the preliminary design should observe all the defined dimension-related requirements.
17.11. 2021.
Question 14: There is still no clear answer for many participants in the Competition. Please confirm specifically that the level of the ground floor is determined in relation to the level +76.59 indicated in graphic document 3.3 at the intersection of the axes of the streets Dunavska and Mike Alasa (western branch), and that the maximum allowed height is the ground floor level is 1.2 m higher that the level +76.59.
The level of the ground floor of the building is determined in relation to the elevation of the level of the public or access road, i.e. according to the zero level of the building.
The zero level is the point of intersection of the terrain line and the vertical axis of the building (Rulebook on general rules for subdivision of land, regulation and construction ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 22/2015) Article 24 Article 26)
Determining the zero level and ground floor level is conditioned by the position of the building on the lot and depends on the spatial concept, and participants should determine them in accordance with the solution, but it can be accepted at this stage of the conceptual design that the approximate level +76.59 altitude should be considered as basis for determining the maximum level of the ground floor height.
In accordance with the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Line Park - Belgrade, City Municipalities of Stari grad and Palilula ("Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade" No. 77/2021), the ground floor level of the planned facilities cannot be lower than the zero level. The ground level can be maximum 1.2 from the zero level.
Question 13: Conditions for participation in the competition require that at least one team member has an appropriate license issued in accordance with the rules set by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and in accordance with Article 162a of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of RS, no. 9/2020)
The question is: Does the license issued by the Chamber of RS Macedonia meet the conditions for participation? That is, can the project be submitted with a Macedonian authorization?
Reply: In accordance with the Competition Announcement, the participants and authors can be persons who have the appropriate qualifications, regardless of the country they come from, provided that the design team includes one member who has the appropriate valid license issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers.
In accordance with Article 162a of the Law on Planning and Construction, a natural person who has been issued a license or other authorization, i.e. a person registered in the relevant register of the competent authority or body according to regulations of another state to perform professional activities corresponding to professional activities stipulated by this law, is entitled to perform those professional tasks in the capacity of a responsible person in the Republic of Serbia, under the conditions of reciprocity and if he/she meets the conditions determined by the law, regulations adopted on the basis of the law and a special law governing the recognition of foreign professional qualifications.
The procedure for determining the fulfillment of conditions is carried out by the Ministry in charge of planning activities.
Question: Dear Sirs, can you give us information for the recommended height of the room A.2.3 jazz classroom?
Reply: The recommended height of the room A.2.3 is 4m.
Question 11: Dear Sirs, Can you clarify the program item under ordinal number B.5.7 Students’ dressing rooms. That is, we are interested in the approximate number of cassettes for storing clothes.
Answer: Student dressing rooms should be planned in accordance with the number of students and capacities for simultaneous classes. The way of solving the dressing room as well as the disposition, the participants are free to propose in accordance with the spatial concept.
Question 9: Dear Sirs, can you provide a layout plan for the winning solution of Line Park Unit 5, given that this is public data and is not available online?
Answer: Refer to the answer to question 6.
Question 10: Dear Sirs, when determining the zero level, should we comply to the information for the Detailed Regulation Plan, or to the data indicated in the Competition Announcement and Programme (zero level = 77.00)?
Answer: Zero level is defined in relation to the level of the access road as shown in the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Line Park - Belgrade, the city municipalities of Stari grad and Plalilula ("Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade" No. 77/2021), graphic attachment no. 3.3 “Regulatory leveling plan with analytical and geodetic marking elements”
Question 7: Dear Sirs, please give the participants the official exact level of the ground floor and the elevation of the recommended maximum foundation depth. Thank you
The height of the ground floor level is determined by the designers in accordance with the spatial concept and elements of horizontal and vertical regulation that are determined by the Detailed Regulation Plan. The DRP for the subject location for the ground floor level states the following:
The ground floor level of the planned buildings cannot be lower than the zero level
The ground floor level can be a maximum of 1.2 higher than the zero level
Note: The zero level is defined in relation to the elevations of the access road as shown in the graphic attachment no. 5 of the DRP - Regulatory leveling plan
For the purposes of drafting the Detailed Regulation Plan, a study of geological and geotechnical documentation for the Line Park - Belgrade was made by the company "Mining Institute" from Belgrade (2020), where the engineering-geological conditions were defined and shown in graphic attachment no.9 "Engineering-geological map of the terrain" R 1: 1000
For each newly planned building in the subsequent stages of implementation, it is necessary to perform a detailed geological research, all in accordance with the Law on Mining and Geological Research ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 101/15 and 95/18).
Question 8: Dear Sirs, can we get a layout plan solution to the winning solution of Line Park Unit 5 Competition, which directly adjoins the given location?
Answer: Refer to the answer to question 6.
Question 6: Dear Sirs, can you provide attachments to the layout plan of the winning solution of the Competition for Line Park Unit 5, given that the subject location is in direct contact with that section of the Line Park?
Reply: The plan of detailed regulation of the Line Park - Belgrade, the city municipalities of Stari grad and Plalilula ("Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade" No. 77/2021) is the basis for considering the conditions for the future arrangement of contact areas.
Competition designs for the arrangement of the Line Park were the starting point for the development of the Plan for detailed regulation of the Line Park and all relevant elements of the arrangement are contained in the textual and graphic annexes to the plan.
For sub-unit 1.5 of the Line Park in the textual part of the DRP, the following additional rules for erection and arrangement are stated:
spatial context of sub-unit: sub-unit 1.5 of the Line Park is located in the area southwest of Marina Dorćol;
specifics of the solution: To keep the flows that evoke the historical context of the former rail routes, which have been transformed into pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, running paths or the flow of a shallow stream-fountain along the footpath;
During the development of the project of landscape & architectural arrangement of the Line Park, it is necessary to plan the path for vehicles for maintenance purposes and the case of interventions with a minimum width of 4.5 m above the route of the planned collectors FKmin 350 and AKmin 90/125.
Note: The pedestrian access routes to the building can be planned from all public areas, in accordance with the spatial concept of the newly planned building of the Faculty of Music and these elements will be harmonized with the ground floor in the next stages of development when designing the landscape & architectural arrangement of the Line Park.
Question 5: Dear Sirs, can you clarify the programme element under the code B.3.6 - large meeting room? The program states that a space for 50 people in only 45m2 should be designed. Did an error occur?
Answer: It technical error. It should state “B.3.6 large meeting room - indicative area 75m2”
Question 4: Dear All,
Has an error been made in the competition announcement concerning the size of the sheets of graphic attachments (note given on page 102 which reads: Graphic attachments are submitted as files in .pdf format, dimensions 42x29.7cm (A3), horizontally oriented (landscape), in a resolution of 150 PPI.) Since attachments requested in the scale of 1: 250 are impossible to present on a list of A3 size?
Reply: Contest participants are allowed to submit all graphic attachments - 2D and 3D views - as files in .pdf format measuring 100x70cm (B1), horizontally oriented (landscape), in a resolution of 150 PPI, instead of as files in .pdf format measuring 42x29.7cm (A3), horizontally oriented (landscape), in the resolution of 150 PPI, as stated in the competition announcement and programme.
Question 3: Dear colleagues,
Is it necessary for the company registered in a foreign country (in EU) to have someone with Serbian designer license or the author can have a foreign license?
Reply: In accordance with the competition announcement, the participating authors may be persons who possess the valid qualifications in the country from which they come. In accordance with the announcement, it is necessary for the design team to include at least one person who has the appropriate valid license issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers. Mutual cooperation can be regulated by a cooperation agreement on this project.
Question 2: In the description TEACHING PREMISES: “ A1.5.1
Poly-Instrumental Department
It is necessary to design 1 classroom with the area of 150 m2 (3x50 m2)”. Please clarify the meaning of 3x50m2
Reply: It is necessary to design one classroom with the area of 150 m2. The classroom can be divided with partitions into three classrooms, 50 m2 each (3 x 50 m2)
Question: Dear Sirs, The PDF file "IDR MARINA DORCOL" attached to the tender documentation is impossible to open. Is it possible to attach a file that can be opened?
Answer: Dear Sirs, we apologize for the oversight, the PDF file "IDR MARINA DORCOL" that can be opened, is located within the tender documentation in a new folder: Addition to the Competition documentation.